Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 2012 Activities in Aspen, Colorado – Moon Watching and Cross-Country Skiing

Too busy at the end of December with holiday activities, cross-country skiing and the awesome full moon display to post anything this week but these photos.

Have to say that Jupiter sneaking in was amazing as well!

Aspen, Colorado Full Moon in the Clouds
Aspen, Colorado - December Moon in the Clouds (Photo credit: richpalpine)

Aspen, Colorado Moon Above the Clouds
Aspen, Colorado - Moon Above the Clouds (Photo credit: richpalpine)

Aspen, Colorado Moon Above the Clouds
Aspen, Colorado Moon Riding the Clouds (Photo credit: richpalpine)

Aspen, Colorado Moon and Jupiter
Aspen, Colorado - Moon with Jupiter Crashing the Party (Photo credit: richpalpine)

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1 comment:

  1. This post reflects on the activities and events in Aspen during December 2012, capturing the festive spirit of the season. It highlights winter sports, holiday celebrations, and the town's winter charm, making it a nostalgic and informative read for those interested in Aspen's winter offerings. cabinet painting North Port FL
